"An apple tree seeded on 18.September.1987, bore 2220 kg. apple till today. Its contribution to economy is $8859 and it fed 3725 people. I hope that in your life you, as a human being, achieved more than that poor apple tree. Wishing you a very happy b'day"
-This is a nice message I received today from one of my well wisher on my 25th birthday. It's nice because it let me to spend few minutes to think about the value of my life. And yeah, no doubt I stand nowhere to that apple tree.
Right from my school days, I remember there is a famous couplet of Saint Kabir, which very well fits in this context-
"Raat Gawayi Soye ke, Diwas Gawaya Khaye|
Hira Janam Anmol tha, Kodi Badle Jaye||"
(Translated as- Whole of your life you spoilt and wasted your time by sleeping and eating only, but remember God has given you this birth to achieve heights, but you have made your life worthless)
This b'day is going to be a bit special for many reasons. But this message, I am always going to carry with me for my whole life. Thanks to my dear friend for this wonderful b'day wish.
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