(1)Identify and connect all these pics.[7 points]

Ans-connect is "the stolen arts"
Pics are of (in clockwise order)-a)Beach in Pourville(recovered recently), b)The Concert, c)The Last Judgement, d)The Scream, e)Mona Lisa, f)The storm on the sea of Galili.
(2) Co-relate the famous personalities.[4 points]

Ans:- pic 1- H.G wells,pic 2- J.R.R.tolkien,pic 3- lewis caroll,pic 4- thoreau
connect- all the writers have literary societies named after them
(3) Connect.[4 points]

Ans: pic 1- croquet,pic 2- lacrosse,pic 3- roque,pic 4- basque pelota
connect- sports discontinued from summer olympics
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