Ans-connect is "Forever 27 club". It is a popular culture name for a group of influential rock and blues musicians who all died at the age of 27.
Pics are of (in clockwise order)- Robert Johnson, Janis Joplin, Kurt Kobain, Jim Morrison, Jimi Handrix, and Brian Jones.
(2)Identify and connect. [7 points]

Ans-the connect is "Fictional people from London".
Pics are of (in clockwise order)- Jonothon Evan Starsmore(Marvel Comics Superhero also associated with X-Men and New Warriors); Lord Voldemort(Harry Potter novels); Mad Mod(DC Comics); Austin Powers(spoof of James Bond); Sleuth(Disney Comics); and Sherlock Holmes(creation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle).
(3) The car literally is blasting off in this video.However the question is not about the speed demon.Just tell us the name of the highway.[2 points]
Ans- Autobahn Highway. (min. speed limit is 60km/h but no max. speed limit, no overtake rules, etc)
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