a) A quality philosophy born in Motorola and later the concept was expanded by GE, which abstract is increased efficiency, quality and profit at reduced cost.
b)A high-end company owned by Swatch Group, famous for its association with James Bond and Apollo program.
c)A stage during software development in which the software is released outside by the organization or developers to the users, so that any malfunctions these users find in the software can be reported to the developers and can be fixed.
d)In a television series created by Gene Roddenberry, it refers to the 3rd quadrant of an area of the Milky-way Galaxy.
Ans- "Greek Alphabets", (a)six sigma, (b)omega SA, (c)beta, (d)alpha
(2)Connect all the pics. [6 points]

Ans- the connect is "ebay", Pics are of Bridgeville(1st town to be sold on ebay); Meg Whitman(former CEO of ebay); Britney Spears(her hair was listed on ebay for $1 million);
Bumble bee(ebay was featured in Transformer movies); Paypal & cards for online payments(paypal is a subsidiary of ebay).
(3)Connect.[4 points]

Ans- the connect is "Peter F Drucker". Pics are of 'The Age of Discontinuity'one of his famous books(pic1), Presidential medal of freedom,awarded in 2002(pic2), Greatly influenced by John Maynard Keynes(pic3), GM Renaissance center, served as a consultant(pic5) and studied International and public law in Frankfurt University(pic4)
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