Ans- A)Pandora, B)Zeus, C)Pithos, D)Box, E)Illiad

2) An ‘X’ is a diplomat of the highest formal class.’X’ is the most popular car in India and is perceived to be best suited to the harsh Indian terrain.Many theatres across the world as in Dublin,New york,St,Louis ,London have been named after ‘X’.India uses another name in place of ‘X’ for the same purpose in commonwealth countries.Just tell us what is ‘X’. [2 points]
Ans- Ambassador
3)Combine the answers of (a), (b) and (c) to find a name and then connect it with the picture given below.
(a) A deity worshiped and played a vital role in Mahabharata.
(b) An honor conferred to an expert of any subject or field, especially in Indian classical music.
(c)The hindi word for "sister's daughter".

[4 points]
Ans- (a)Krishna +(b)Pandit +(c)Bhanji ==> Ben Kinsley (original name is Krishna Pandit Bhanji)
The connect is "Teen Patti" an upcoming bollywood movie starring Ben Kinsley with Richard Gere has a guest appearance in it.
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